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Tuesday 16 Apr 2024


19:00 - 22:00 Børnehaven 3. sal 1100 kr.

In this 5-week ceramic course, we are doing something a bit different: learning a bit of Italian and doing ceramics.

You will learn techniques, play with materials and make beautiful, functional, artistic objects. You will make a jug and vase with techniques such as pinching, coiling, and slab. After making your ceramic pieces you can try to decorate with colour selection, painting with slip-colours, and glazing.

There will be a casual approach to teaching you a bit of Italian, like a taste of what the Italian language has to offer.



Ciao, mi chiamo Davide!

I am an Italian artist that has been living and working in Denmark for 6 years. I came to Copenhagen to study ceramics and craft-based practices at the Royal Danish Academy’s Design School and have stayed ever since.

During this course, I will share some of my knowledge of ceramics with you with an Italian twist.


Ciao ciao, a presto.



WEEK 1: Coiling technique, Il Colombino
Benvenuti! In the first class you will introduce “Il Colombino” (coiling technique) and “A Mano libera” (pinching technique) while teaching you some words and small phrases of everyday Italian language (Buongiorno, Buonasera, etc)

WEEK 2: Slab technique,Bentornati!
In the second lesson we will go through “Tecnica a lastre” (Slab technique) while learning some common Italian vocabulary you can use at home and at the cafè.

WEEK 3: Dekoration Decorazioni!
We will decorate and learn how to use “Ingobbio” (begitning) while learning Italian colours and numbers.

WEEK 4: Create freely
In the fourth class you will work and finalise your projects. You will learn how to introduce yourself in Italian and different topic you are interested in.

WEEK 5: Glazing Smalti!
We will glaze our creations and will try to talk Italian with all the things we learned in the past classes. Arrivederci!



The price is 1100 kr. It includes 3 kg of clay (with the possibility of buying more clay), glaze and firings.

We meet 5 Tuesdays for 3 hours. The course is for everyone regardless of previous experience. Your clothes may get dirty. The class will be in english.

The workshop is located on the 3rd floor of Folkehuset Absalon. Use the stairs by the bar. There is no elevator. We can’t guarantee that all the clay creations will make it through the firing.

NOTE: Check the dates thoroughly before you buy a ticket! Tickets are non-refundable and can’t be exchanged for other dates.

We also have a 6-week Ceramic Course for Beginners. You can read more about it here:

If you have questions, write to us at info@absaloncph.dk.