Folkehuset Absalon

Get in touch

Do you have questions, comments or a good idea? Write to us at or stop by and talk to us at the bar.

Before you write, please check if your question has already been answered in our FAQ or INFO.

Press inquiries

Are you looking for press material and photos? Write to us at and we’ll send you what you need.

Work at Absalon

We don’t currently have any job vacancies. Please send unsolicited applications to


Renting the space

Are you looking for somewhere to host a meeting or a team event?

It’s possible to rent ‘Tårnværelset’ which is located on the 3rd floor of Absalon. The room has a projector and sound system. It is not suitable for parties, receptions, dining and similar.

Write us for more info about the tower room at

It is not possible to rent the main hall for private or exclusive events. Get in touch if you have a good idea for a collaboration.