Folkehuset Absalon


We don’t offer refunds or exchanges for purchased tickets. If you’re unable to participate in an event you have bought a ticket for, you can see if anyone is interested in your ticket on the Facebook event.

Read more about this in our Terms Of Service.

We don’t have waiting lists for sold out events, but you can try looking on the Facebook event to see if anyone is selling a ticket. If you buy a ticket from someone you don’t know, it’s a good idea to meet and pay them directly for the ticket. We do not take responsibility for traded or resold tickets.

It is not possible to reserve places for breakfast, lunch or coffee meetings at Absalon. Get in touch if you plan on visiting with a large group at

As for fællesspisning, we sell tickets online in advance. We do not make a seating plan in advance, but place people at the tables upon arrival.

Read more about eating at Absalon here.

We do not rent out the main hall in Absalon for private events, nor is it possible to reserve tables or order special food and drink. It is possible to rent the tower room for private workshops and meetings.  

Take a look around and talk to the people at the bar. They can show you where we keep the lost and found. Read more on our Info page.

Nope! Come by and talk to us or send us an email at

Read more on our Contact page.

Yes. Read more on our Info page.

No. Please leave your lunchbox in your bag. If you’re hungry, you can buy food and drink at the bar.

Read more on our Food page.