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lørdag 24 jun 2023

Summer holiday party on the Boulevard

10:00 - 14:00

Finally summer holidays!! Come and celebrate with a summer holiday party in Absalon.

You can decorate a tote bag with colors and decorations. Make a summer hat for the beach. Draw on stones and make windmills that can blow in the summer wind. You can also find good things at the Children’s Flea Market, where children sell things they no longer need.

You can also borrow garden games, play with soap bubbles, eat popcorn and drink soft drinks.


We hold a Summer Holiday Party and the Children’s Flea Market from 10-14:00 on the boulevard in front of Absalon. If the weather is bad, we move inside.


If you have something you need to sell, you can buy a stall for the flea market her.



Bring the whole family!