Folkehuset Absalon

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  • Denne begivenhed er allerede afholdt.
fredag 04 nov 2022


19:00 - 20:30

Come and join Absalons listening club!
In the listening club we meet and listen, share, talk and get inspired by the music together.

This friday the listening club has a hip hop-theme. Bring your best hip hop record or sample – old or new.

We will listen to as many tracks as possible. The host is in charge of putting on the music and managing our time. Bring som music with you or just enjoy what the others bring. The listening club is for all openminded music lovers. 


Grab your favorite LP, drink a cold beer and float into the weekend on good tunes.


We meet in ‘Tårnværelset’ on the 3rd floor. Bring a LP record.

It costs 70 kr. to join. The price includes a beer or a soda.

You can buy your ticket below. The tickets are non-refundable and can’t be changed for another date.


The host
Lasse is the listening club-host. He is a huge music nerd who especially loves hip hop, rock and Irish folk music. Lasse is a drummer and he loves all kinds of percussion.