Folkehuset Absalon

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  • Denne begivenhed er allerede afholdt.
mandag 19 jun 2023


9:00 - 10:00

Come join us for Groove dance every Monday at 9. 

Move your body to good music. The moves are simple and we dance in our own way. You can’t do it wrong. You do not need dance experience – if you can go, you can groove! In this hour you train your flexibility, balance and coordination in a fun way. We dance in bare feet. 


Our teacher Tea Rønne:

Tea love Groove because it is a funny way to stay in shape. She has a background in psysical theater and an education in Gotved, she loves the combination of simple steps (that no one can do it wrong) and the possibility to be creative within these frames. 


Practical info:

Price: 50 DKK

Place: Klubben on the 1st floor 

Be no later than 8.55 – we start on time. 

We dance in bare feet. Remember a water bottle.


Buy your ticket below. We do not refund tickets.