Folkehuset Absalon

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lørdag 24 sep 2022


21:00 - 23:55

On Saturday 24th September you can experience the special FP feeling and party in Absalon. Final Planet will be bringing their DIY energy and FP world, with the full force of the collective – you can expect an evening with music and performance, with different acts and live shows provided by and from the FINAL PLANET universe!

Final Planet is a vibe, a taste, a feeling. A Copenhagen-based art and music collective, a group of mizfitz who you can call visual artists, people spending too much time on the internet or in outer space, performers, musicians, and hypepersons, living in a treehouse in the outer galaxy. 


The program will be updated continuously, so far you can look forward to different live acts and works by:





PROGRAM (9am -02pm):

3 hours of merch and make-up by FP (21:-23:00)

21:00-22:30: dj Flower Harvester

22:30-23:00: Quiet Question (live)

23:00-23:05: Lever & Sabba Dance Perfomance

23.05-00:05: Zoumer (dj)

00:05-01:05: dj PAYDAR

01:05-02:00: dj Flower Harvester & Bhambii


We encourage u to keep an eye on odd characters exploring the room of the party through dance and movements during the night. They will pop up when u least expect it! They will invite u or reject u, but definitely confuse u and light up your curiosity.


((U dont wanna miss out on Performance, Dance Performance, DJ and cute FP makeup. So please come by at 21:00))



Explore the fp universe more here:


<3 Final Planet and Absalon <3