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torsdag 31 aug 2023

Dad Music Bingo

20:30 - 22:30

“OMG Dad, you’re SO embarrassing!” Have you ever heard these words while you were rocking the air guitar to “Smoke on the Water”? Or have you, yourself uttered these word when your dad howled “Dancing in the Dark” in the shower, but you kinda miss it now? Have you just had your first baby and needs to learn the good dance moves to “Summer of 69′”?

Then you have to grab your dad, stepdad, kid or best friend and join us for Dad Music Bingo in Absalon!


We’re switching out the numbers on the bingo plates with the greatest songs from your dads CD collection – so come and dance with us!



Practical info


Everybody gets two bingo plates


The bingo starts at 20.30, so come early and find your spot