Folkehuset Absalon

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lørdag 23 apr 2022

Aflyst – Salsa workshop

19:30 - 21:00

Get your hips ready and come join us this saturday evening for a salsa workshop in Klubben!
Salsa dance is full of combinations, free-spirited and passionate movements, carries with it an atmosphere of fun and flirtation. Unlike Latin American ballroom dancing, which is essentially a sport, salsa is accessible to people of all ages and physical shape. In salsa there are no constant couples, the change of partners allows you to learn the dance mutual understanding between complete strangers. You can dance salsa in any club in the world, communicating with your partner in the universal language of dance.

This evening we will teach one of the most popular styles of salsa in Europe: Los Angeles Style, or  also called “on1 style”. You don’t need salsa experience, everybody can participate. 

Dancing wishes Anna Kron, Anders and Absalon




Pris: 100 kr. pr. person
Location: ‘Klubben’ on 1. sal
Taught in english