Folkehuset Absalon

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tirsdag 05 sep 2023

Absalon's HI-FI club

20:00 - 22:00

In the HI-FI Club we will meet, and listen, share, speak, and get inspired by music together.

For this listening club, you are free to bring a record that is either your favourite, one that inspires you, or the first record you bought.


On the night, we listen to as many tracks as we can. The host will make sure to put on the music you bring, so we can listen to as many as possible. You are also welcome to enjoy the music without bringing a disc.


The club is not just for music experts. You only need to love music, be curious and open to new musical experiences. So, grab your favourite record, drink a cold beer, and sail through the week on good tunes.


The evening is co-organised with Arda Audio.


The event is free. We look forward to see you!
