Every Monday is Board Game Night in Absalon. Join the backgammon, scrabble or Go clubs or try a fun game from the stacks.
Join us every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 7:45 for good stretches and reviving flows.
Kom og vær med når vi syer tøj til de mindste! Workshoppen er begyndervenlig og du lærer basis sy-teknikker, som vil gøre dig i stand til at sy en savlesmæk eller et par babybukser
Start off your day with a shot of dance energy in a very different kind of dance session
Shape your very own cup, bowl or anything you like. With different techniques, we will be making functional and decorative ceramics.
Til babyrytmik synger vi nye og gamle sange, vi lytter, spiller og leger med børnene i et rart miljø.
Til babyrytmik synger vi nye og gamle sange, vi lytter, spiller og leger med børnene i et rart miljø.
In this course we will create a gentle flow to give awareness and resources to your body. We will particularly focus on pelvic floor muscles and deep abdominal muscles.
Brug 9 uger på at dykke ned i keramikkens verden. Du vil lære teknik, udforske materialer og lave smukke, funktionelle objekter.
Vinyasa is also called Flow yoga and is a dynamic yoga where we move with our breath
Print patterns, landscapes, faces or any other motive you like. Our host will guide you through the process.