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  • Denne begivenhed er allerede afholdt.
lørdag 13 jan 2024


11:00 - 13:00

Come and cut your own pendant out of brass!

You decide how your pendant should look and you will be working on the details of it yourself.

The pendant can be used on a necklace, earring or something third.

You will be finishing the jewelry by designing and decorating a necklace with pearls or make earrings your homemade brass pendant can hang in. 


We have all the materials you need and you don’t need any experience to join.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Our instructor

Anne Lahn is educated in Accessory Design from the Design School in Kolding and has specialised herself in enamel at the Glasgow School Of Art. She works as a jewellery designer and has her own company



We are in Tårnværelset on the 3rd floor. You get there by taking the stairs up by the entrance. There is no elevator.

It costs 200 kr. to join and you buy your ticket on the page below.

The ticket is non-refundable and can’t be changed to another date.

We have all the materials you need.